Adrie, Mathieu & Henry
Adrien, our development manager, can make a phone call from anywhere and any place—even on his bicycle! He doesn’t mince his words and has a sense of humour that is infinite, inimitable and indomitable. It is he who livens up the long days at Pierre et Maurice. The orator of the team, he is proud of the agency and constantly strives to captivate his audience. It is in no small part due to him that we create so many beautiful projects!
Grégory, Pierre & Maurice
Gregory Pierre & Maurice, the eponymous founder of the agency, is the ambitious one of the team. With a timeless pair of white Repettos on his feet, he is constantly on the lookout for exciting new projects. He tries to be funny and succeeds (well, sometimes!). However, his greatest strength is undoubtedly his audacity. As he firmly believes and tells our clients, without disruption, there can be no success—we must leave our comfort zones if we are to innovate and surprise.
Juliette, Suzanne & Camille
Juliette Suzanne & Camille is the designer of the team. She draws and draws and draws to the point of exhaustion. Like any good designer, she grumbles a little, but laughs a lot! Ever since she joined the team, the coffee, computer and pencil budgets have skyrocketed. But, luckily, she comes up with amazing new concepts by the dozen. ;)
Romain, Jean & Pierre
Romain, Jean-Pierre, our project manager and designer, is the efficient one of the team. He’s the guy in charge of the development and production of our projects. Efficient, ingenious and creative, Romain can find the solution to any problem. But even now, we can't figure out why ‘cute baby panda’ pops up in his search history …
Adrien, Hugo & Piment
Adrien est le designer, geek et bricolo de l’équipe. Hipster dans l'âme, c'est vêtu de son plus beau bleu de travail qu'il débite les idées à la minute. Doté d’une créativité débordante, ce ronchon plasticien saura transformer ingénieusement votre sujet en un projet innovant et audacieux !
Laetitia, Maria & Marcelle
Laetitia, Maria & Marcelle is the administrative manager of the agency. She speaks to her children in Spanish, French to her colleague and all the others in Numbers! Laetitia administers and makes a hell of good work for the biggest pleasure of our spendthrift and ambitious team. Por eso no podemos prescindir de ella!
Nicolas ‘Two-Point- Oh’ is the charming blue-eyed geek of the agency. After making a name for himself at Pierre & Maurice, he spread his wings and, with Gregory, founded our sister agency: Agence 187.
Charlotte, Élisa & Brigitte
Charlotte est une Designer d'espace qui dessine juste et croque avec générosité ! Elle a rejoint l'équipe récemment mais ses premières ébauches et sa rigueur nous enchantent ! Après, quand on prend son CV et qu'on regarde la rubrique "occupations", on comprend mieux pourquoi elle est un profil complet : "Découpe laser, maîtrise plusieurs sortes de scies et outils en tout genre. Sérigraphie et encolle, modèle et joue de la clarinette"
Audrey, (tout court)
Audrey, n'a qu'un seul prénom. Mais c'est parce qu'elle compense avec de nombreuses autres qualités ! Dans l'équipe P&M comme au sport elle est dans le pack des avants : elle pour rôle de gratter, rafuter, attraper les projets au vol et traverser les lignes pour aller marquer l'essai. Pourquoi cette subtile métaphore se rapportant au Rugby ? Parce qu'en plus de pratiquer ce sport engageant en dehors du travail, pour nous elle va au charbon en tant que business developpeuse juniore !